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Mansoura Doctorate Nephrology


(0 Reviews)


Nephrology courses for postgraduates


253:52:50 Hours

Last updated Thu, 30-Nov-2023

237 Lessons 253:52:50 Hours English
Nephrology courses for postgraduates


Lifestyle and kidney


(0 Reviews)


Nephrology courses for postgraduates


03:56:19 Hours

Last updated Thu, 28-Dec-2023

5 Lessons 03:56:19 Hours English
Nephrology courses for postgraduates


Prof. Wesam Ismail Zoom meetings. Nephropathology from A to Z


(0 Reviews)


Nephrology courses for postgraduates


31:01:48 Hours

Last updated Thu, 28-Dec-2023

17 Lessons 31:01:48 Hours English
Nephrology courses for postgraduates




(0 Reviews)


GIT for postgraduates


04:20:34 Hours

Last updated Thu, 28-Dec-2023

4 Lessons 04:20:34 Hours English
GIT for postgraduates


Dr Ahmed Sadek


(0 Reviews)


Postgraduate medical study refers to advanced training for medical professionals who have completed their undergraduate medical education and earned a medical degree (such as MBBS, MD, or DO). Postgraduate medical education is often divided into two broad categories: medical education and clinical education. Medical education refers to the didactic and theoretical components of postgraduate training, while clinical education focuses on practical training and hands-on experience. Medical education typically involves coursework and research in basic sciences, clinical medicine, and specialized areas such as radiology, pathology, and pharmacology. This may include advanced study of topics such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, and genetics. Clinical education involves training in various medical specialties, such as internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and psychiatry. This may involve supervised clinical practice, on-call duties, and exposure to a wide range of medical conditions and treatments. Postgraduate medical education also typically involves the completion of a research project or thesis, which allows students to develop their research skills and contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge. Overall, postgraduate medical education is designed to provide medical professionals with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to become highly skilled and competent practitioners, as well as to contribute to the ongoing advancement of medical knowledge and practice.


02:31:56 Hours

Last updated Thu, 28-Dec-2023

5 Lessons 02:31:56 Hours English
Postgraduate medical study refers to advanced training for medical professionals who have completed their undergraduate medical education and earned a medical degree (such as MBBS, MD, or DO). Postgraduate medical education is often divided into two broad categories: medical education and clinical education. Medical education refers to the didactic and theoretical components of postgraduate training, while clinical education focuses on practical training and hands-on experience. Medical education typically involves coursework and research in basic sciences, clinical medicine, and specialized areas such as radiology, pathology, and pharmacology. This may include advanced study of topics such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, and genetics. Clinical education involves training in various medical specialties, such as internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and psychiatry. This may involve supervised clinical practice, on-call duties, and exposure to a wide range of medical conditions and treatments. Postgraduate medical education also typically involves the completion of a research project or thesis, which allows students to develop their research skills and contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge. Overall, postgraduate medical education is designed to provide medical professionals with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to become highly skilled and competent practitioners, as well as to contribute to the ongoing advancement of medical knowledge and practice.


Dr Ahmed Mowafy


(0 Reviews)


Internal medicine is a medical specialty focusing on adult care, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of diseases. Internists emphasize preventive care, diagnosis, and treatment of various conditions affecting different organ systems in adults.


118:13:02 Hours

Last updated Thu, 01-Aug-2024

78 Lessons 118:13:02 Hours English
Internal medicine is a medical specialty focusing on adult care, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of diseases. Internists emphasize preventive care, diagnosis, and treatment of various conditions affecting different organ systems in adults.




(0 Reviews)



00:30:00 Hours

Last updated Wed, 31-Jan-2024

1 Lessons 00:30:00 Hours English


obsidian test


(0 Reviews)


test obsidian


00:00:00 Hours

Last updated Thu, 28-Mar-2024

1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English
test obsidian




(0 Reviews)



00:00:00 Hours

Last updated Wed, 31-Jul-2024

0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English

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00:00:00 Hours

Last updated Wed, 31-Jul-2024

0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English


obsidian test


(0 Reviews)


test obsidian


00:00:00 Hours

Last updated Thu, 28-Mar-2024

1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English
test obsidian




(0 Reviews)



00:30:00 Hours

Last updated Wed, 31-Jan-2024

1 Lessons 00:30:00 Hours English


course 1


(0 Reviews)



17:40:52 Hours

Last updated Thu, 04-Jan-2024

1 Lessons 17:40:52 Hours English


 فقه الطبيب المسلم


(0 Reviews)


فقه الطبيب المسلم يشير إلى القواعد والمبادئ التي يجب على الأطباء المسلمين الالتزام بها في ممارسة مهنتهم وتقديم الرعاية الصحية وفقًا لتعاليم الإسلام. يعتمد هذا الفقه على مجموعة من القيم والأخلاقيات التي ينبغي على الأطباء المسلمين احترامها واتباعها أثناء ممارسة مهنتهم، ومن أهم هذه القيم: 1. الرحمة والعدالة: ينبغي على الطبيب المسلم أن يكون حنونًا ورحيمًا في التعامل مع المرضى، وأن يتحلى بالعدالة في تقديم العلاج والرعاية دون تمييز. 2. النية الصافية: يجب على الطبيب أن يكون نية عمله خالصة لله ولخدمة الناس، وأن يعمل بحسب الضوابط الشرعية والأخلاقية. 3. الأمانة والصدق: ينبغي على الطبيب المسلم أن يكون صادقًا ومخلصًا في عمله وأن يحترم سرية معلومات المرضى ويحافظ على الأمانة في التعامل معهم. 4. احترام حقوق المرضى: يجب على الطبيب أن يحترم حقوق المرضى في اختيار العلاج والمعلومات الصحية، وأن يشاركهم في صنع القرارات المتعلقة بصحتهم. 5. تطوير الذات والمعرفة: ينبغي على الطبيب المسلم السعي لتحسين مهاراته ومعرفته الطبية والتقنية بشكل دوري، والبقاء مطلعًا على آخر التطورات في مجال الطب. هذه بعض القيم الأساسية التي يجب أن يتبناها الأطباء المسلمون في ممارسة مهنتهم، مع الالتزام بالأخلاقيات الطبية والمبادئ الشرعية التي تحكم مهنة الطب والرعاية الصحية في الإسلام.


10:23:34 Hours

Last updated Sun, 03-Dec-2023

14 Lessons 10:23:34 Hours English
فقه الطبيب المسلم يشير إلى القواعد والمبادئ التي يجب على الأطباء المسلمين الالتزام بها في ممارسة مهنتهم وتقديم الرعاية الصحية وفقًا لتعاليم الإسلام. يعتمد هذا الفقه على مجموعة من القيم والأخلاقيات التي ينبغي على الأطباء المسلمين احترامها واتباعها أثناء ممارسة مهنتهم، ومن أهم هذه القيم: 1. الرحمة والعدالة: ينبغي على الطبيب المسلم أن يكون حنونًا ورحيمًا في التعامل مع المرضى، وأن يتحلى بالعدالة في تقديم العلاج والرعاية دون تمييز. 2. النية الصافية: يجب على الطبيب أن يكون نية عمله خالصة لله ولخدمة الناس، وأن يعمل بحسب الضوابط الشرعية والأخلاقية. 3. الأمانة والصدق: ينبغي على الطبيب المسلم أن يكون صادقًا ومخلصًا في عمله وأن يحترم سرية معلومات المرضى ويحافظ على الأمانة في التعامل معهم. 4. احترام حقوق المرضى: يجب على الطبيب أن يحترم حقوق المرضى في اختيار العلاج والمعلومات الصحية، وأن يشاركهم في صنع القرارات المتعلقة بصحتهم. 5. تطوير الذات والمعرفة: ينبغي على الطبيب المسلم السعي لتحسين مهاراته ومعرفته الطبية والتقنية بشكل دوري، والبقاء مطلعًا على آخر التطورات في مجال الطب. هذه بعض القيم الأساسية التي يجب أن يتبناها الأطباء المسلمون في ممارسة مهنتهم، مع الالتزام بالأخلاقيات الطبية والمبادئ الشرعية التي تحكم مهنة الطب والرعاية الصحية في الإسلام.


Dr Mohammed Awad


(0 Reviews)


Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


56:11:30 Hours

Last updated Thu, 23-Nov-2023

111 Lessons 56:11:30 Hours English
Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


مراجعة الطب الشرعي والسموم دكتور السجينى Toxicology & Forensic


(0 Reviews)


Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


13:05:57 Hours

Last updated Thu, 23-Nov-2023

6 Lessons 13:05:57 Hours English
Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


Forensic and Toxicology module 2022-2023


(0 Reviews)


Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


32:17:54 Hours

Last updated Thu, 23-Nov-2023

39 Lessons 32:17:54 Hours English
Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


Internal Medicine - 4th Year - Dr. Nouran Elghandour


(0 Reviews)


Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


08:17:56 Hours

Last updated Thu, 23-Nov-2023

14 Lessons 08:17:56 Hours English
Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


Dr Khaled Makboul


(0 Reviews)


Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.


34:53:24 Hours

Last updated Thu, 23-Nov-2023

34 Lessons 34:53:24 Hours English
Undergraduate medical education, often referred to as medical school, consists of preclinical and clinical years. Preclinical years cover subjects like anatomy, physiology, Biochemistry for undergraduates, and pathology. Clinical years involve hands-on experience in clinical medicine, Pharmacology, microbiology, and public health. Students also study medical ethics, law, and behavioral sciences. Electives and specializations help students explore medical specialties, and practical training includes clinical clerkships and internships for real-world exposure. The education aims to equip aspiring doctors with essential knowledge and skills for patient care.

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