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Emergency medicine Baghdad

Emergency medicine Baghdad


Emergency medicine is a medical specialty focused on providing immediate and acute care to patients with urgent medical conditions or injuries. Emergency physicians are trained to rapidly assess, diagnose, and manage a wide range of medical emergencies, including trauma, cardiac events, respiratory distress, infections, and other critical illnesses. The goal is to stabilize patients and initiate necessary treatments swiftly, ensuring the best possible outcomes in high-pressure and time-sensitive situations.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Thu Sep 2024
Total lectures 52
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 47:09:40 Hours
Total enrolment 39
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Emergency medicine is a medical specialty focused on providing immediate and acute care to patients with urgent medical conditions or injuries. Emergency physicians are trained to rapidly assess, diagnose, and manage a wide range of medical emergencies, including trauma, cardiac events, respiratory distress, infections, and other critical illnesses. The goal is to stabilize patients and initiate necessary treatments swiftly, ensuring the best possible outcomes in high-pressure and time-sensitive situations.