Course description

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is an approach to healthcare that integrates the best available scientific evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and preferences. It involves the conscientious and explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.

Key principles of evidence-based medicine include:

1. **Integration of Evidence:**

   EBM emphasizes incorporating the latest and most relevant research evidence from systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, and other high-quality studies into clinical decision-making.

2. **Clinical Expertise:**

   The expertise and experience of healthcare professionals play a critical role in applying evidence to individual patient care. Clinical judgment, derived from experience and training, complements the evidence-based approach.

3. **Patient Values and Preferences:**

   Patient values, preferences, and expectations are considered in the decision-making process. Understanding and incorporating what matters most to the patient is fundamental to delivering patient-centered care.

4. **Balanced Decision-Making:**

   EBM involves a careful balance between the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values to determine the most appropriate course of action for a specific patient's circumstances.

5. **Critical Appraisal of Evidence:**

   Practitioners critically evaluate the quality, validity, and relevance of available evidence. They consider the methodology, biases, and applicability of research to determine its reliability.

6. **Continuous Learning and Improvement:**

   EBM promotes lifelong learning and encourages healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest research and advancements in their field, enabling continuous improvement in patient care.

7. **Informed Decision-Making:**

   The ultimate goal of EBM is to help clinicians make informed decisions about patient care, utilizing the best available evidence while considering individual patient factors and preferences.

8. **Shared Decision-Making:**

   EBM supports shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and patients. It encourages open communication and collaboration, ensuring that patients are informed about their conditions and treatment options.

In summary, evidence-based medicine is a patient-centered approach that integrates high-quality evidence, clinician expertise, and patient values to guide healthcare decisions. It strives to optimize outcomes by incorporating the best available evidence while considering individual patient needs and preferences.

What will i learn?


Mahmoud Hodhod




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